Soaring Club
The Triple Crown Award
This award is given to any pilot that flies to all 3 gliderports in the
Minneapolis/St. Paul area in a single flight. The gliderports are
Osceola Simenstad Airport (home of the Red Wing Soaring Club), Stanton
Airport (home of the Minnesota Soaring Club) and Faribault Airport (home
of Cross Country Soaring). The straight line distance from
Faribault to Stanton to Osceola is 77.7 miles but the Class B airspace
around the Minneapolis airport must be avoided which makes the flight
about 93 miles long.
The award was the result of the combined ideas of Jim Hard and J.C.
Cunningham in 2002, the purpose of the award being to stimulate friendly
competition between the three soaring sites in the Twin Cities area. The
Triple Crown Award trophy, which was purchased by J.C., resides at the
home base of the last pilot to perform the task.
Triple Crown Flights |
Date |
Pilot |
Sailplane |
Description |
Flight Log |
May 7, 2006 |
Don DePree |
Libelle |
Faribault to Stanton to Osceola |
Aug. 23, 2005 |
Don DePree |
Libelle |
Faribault to Stanton to Benson's |
Aug. 31, 2003 |
Leon Zeug |
Ka-6E |
Faribault to Stanton to Benson's |
May 26, 2003 |
Eric Bluhm |
HP-18 |
Benson's to Stanton to Faribault |
Sept. 11, 2002 |
Don Ingraham |
Discus C |
Faribault to Stanton to Benson's |
May 19, 2002 |
Jim Hard |
Schweizer SGS 1-26A |
Benson's to Stanton to Faribault |