New Web
Please go to: www.mnsoaringclub.com
Please use the new web site at
www.mnsoaringclub.com from now
on. This web you are looking at now at www.soarmn.com/msc is being
phased out. The data and pages will remain on this soarmn.com/msc site
for several months and will then be deleted. Please contact
Brian Utley if you have suggestions for
improving the site at mnsoaring.com.
Founded in 1959, the Minnesota Soaring Club is a group of about 100 people
who have joined together to own and operate soaring equipment, conduct
soaring flights, and share the unique experiences of soaring. The club is
based at Stanton Airfield in Stanton, Minnesota.
For More Information
If you are interested in finding out more about the MSC please contact
Steve Metz at 651-644-5071 or
Click to email
If you are interested in joining the club,
please review the information on the Application
page and contact one of us as soon as possible. We will put your name and
information on our waiting list, and get in touch with you to outline your
status and our recommendations. If you would like a club brochure you
can download the MSC Brochure.
News |
2007 Albert Lea Soaring Contest
We hope you can join us for the biggest and best soaring contest in
Minnesota history to be held at the Albert Lea Airport in May and June
of 2007. We are hosting the U.S. Open and 18 m Class Nationals and
the U.S. Region 7 Sports Class contest. -
More Information
Minnesota Soaring Tasks and Waypoints
This page has been updated with many soaring tasks for Faribault,
Osceola and Stanton. The tasks are available as PDF files that are
great for printing and bringing to the airport.
Minnesota Soaring Tasks and Waypoints |
Minnesota Soaring Achievement Contest
Announcing a new state-wide soaring contest: The
Soaring Achievement Contest (MSAC). This new year-long contest
is designed to create excitement and competition among both beginning
and experienced cross-country soaring pilots in our region, plus foster
and promote the development of advanced soaring skills. We've based the
MSAC on the current British Gliding Association's National Ladder
competition, a very successful *fun* competition in the UK. The
intention of both the BGA and the MSAC contest is to be a complete test
of pilot skills, which includes: Understanding weather, identifying
suitable task areas, understanding local topography and its soaring
potential, skill in glider handling and understanding cross-country
tactics. A premium is awarded for flying ambitious declared tasks, and
glider performance is handicapped, of course. Details are available
A group of MN soaring pilots donated enough money to purchase a set
of very nice aircraft scales which are available for use by all MN
soaring pilots. For more information go
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