Stanton Short Task Challenge

The Task
The Stanton Short Task was designed to encourage cross-country flying from Stanton.  It is a fun task that never takes you more than 7 miles from Stanton.  The task is only 34.65 miles long.  It goes from Stanton Airfield to the city of Randolph, to the stop sign on Hwy 19 as you enter Northfield, to the city of Dennison, to a grain elevator in Cannon Falls, and back to Stanton Airfield. See the detailed spreadsheet and map. Full details are available on the Stanton Soaring Tasks page. 

The top 3 finishers for each year are given awards for their accomplishments.  The awards handed out are like the one below.  Click on the image to view a larger version.  They are presented at the annual soaring banquet.

2006 Challenge
For the 2006 season, the same challenge applies as in previous years - to see who can fly around the course with the fastest handicapped speed.  This year I hope to see more pilots compete.  The most interesting aspect of promoting this contest has been the responses from those who flew the task.  Nearly every competitor was new to cross-country soaring and mentioned how much fun it was to race around the course.  Remember that you can fly this task in MSC club equipment because you are never far from home.


  • Start below 5000' AGL (5920 MSL)
  • Finish above 1000' AGL (1920 MSL)
  • Time yourself around the course. If possible have the F.O.O. mark down your start and finish times.
  • Be sure to fly all the way around every turnpoint. 
  • Waterballast is not allowed.
  • I may create pilot handicaps based on hours in sailplanes to make it more fair to new soaring pilots.

Please e-mail me with the following information for each flight:

  • Date:
  • Name:
  • Glider:
  • Time around the course (or start and finish times) in hours, minutes and seconds:
  • If you have a flight logger, please e-mail me the flight log.

It's that simple!  Turnpoint photos and flight logs are not required. We're using the honor system.

You may submit as many flights as you like, but only one prize will be awarded to any one person.

For handicaps I will be using the most current handicaps from the SSA web site. 

Go have fun!

Paul E. Remde
Click to email me

2006 Results

2005 Results

2004 Results

2003 Results
Laura Hohanshelt won the event in 2003 and won a Dell Axim Pocket PC, GPS, Glide Navigator II soaring software, and a suction cup cradle for the system.  Detailed results are available in the PDF file and spreadsheet below.  Congratulations Laura!

2002 Results
Tom Rent, Mike Willey, Red Haines, Marilyn Meline, and George Penokie submitted flights for the 2002 SST Challenge.  Tom Rent took 1st place with a handicapped speed of 57.04 mph.  Mike Willey finished in 2nd place with a handicapped speed of 55.32 mph.  George Penokie came in 3rd with a handicapped speed of 46.32 mph.  Detailed results are available in the PDF file and spreadsheet below. 

In addition to the award certificates (shown above) for the top 3 finishers, a grand prize will be awarded to Tom Rent for his 1st place finish.  He wins a free copy of Glide Navigator II soaring software.


2001 Results
Steve Metz won the 2001 Stanton Short Task Challenge.  On July 13th, he made it around the task in his ASW-27 with a handicapped speed of 74.47 mph (84.63 mph raw speed)!  Mike Willey took second place in his Blanik L-33 Solo and Paul Remde was the 3rd fastest pilot in his Ventus b.  Steve Adkins, John Wastvedt, Tom Rent and Marilyn Meline also completed the course.  Steve Adkins was the only pilot to complete the task in MSC gliders.  He completed the task in the ASK-21 and Junior.  Full results are available on the

Prizes included soaring t-shirts and coffee mugs. I awarded them to the pilots with the 5 fastest handicapped speeds around the Stanton Short Task in the 2001 soaring season. 

Last Update: May 11, 2007

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