Steve Leverentz landing in our Ventus b
Photo by Paul Remde |
Steve Leverentz landing in our Ventus b
Photo by Paul Remde |
Tom Rent with his 1-35c before his silver distance flight to Dodge
Photo by Tom Rent |
Four of the MSC sailplanes at the May, 2000 Cross-Country Camp
Photo by George Penokie |
Club and private ships before launch during the May, 2000 Cross-Country
Photo by Tom Rent |
Steve Metz in his DG-101G at the May, 2000 Cross-Country Camp
Photo by Tom Rent |
Dick Andrews (Ventus b), Kathleen Winters (1-26) and Dan Shallbetter
(LS-4) lining up for launch at the May, 2000 Cross-Country Camp
Photo by Tom Rent |
Owl arriving at Sleepy Eye, June 2000
Photo by George Penokie |
Junior and Ka-8 at Sleepy Eye, June 2000
Photo by George Penokie |
Glider assembly area at Sleepy Eye, June 2000
Photo by George Penokie |
ASK-21 on tow
Photo by Duane Anderson |
Mike Willey in the back seat giving a ride to Duane Anderson in the
Photo by Duane Anderson |
Mike Willey in the Ka-8b
Photo by Duane Anderson |
Dick Andrews doing his commercial rating check-ride with John Wastvedt
in the Owl. 8-23-00 |
Chris Cooper in the MSC towplane. 8-23-00 |
Chris Cooper in the MSC towplane. 8-23-00 |
Laura Hohenshelt and her Ka-6. 9-00
Photo by Mike Willey |
Various gliders waiting to fly in early September, 2000.
Photo by Mike Willey |
Marty Wirth and Dan Smith congratulate each other after getting new
ratings. Dan - Private, Marty - Commercial
Photo by Marilyn Meline |
Marty Wirth and Dan Smith getting new ratings. The examiner is
John Wastvedt.
Photo by Marilyn Meline |
Tim Mattsson celebrating after passing his Private pilot checkride on
10-3-00. Jim Wood is in the background.
Photo by Marilyn Meline |
Tim Mattsson celebrating after passing his Private pilot checkride on
10-3-00. Also shown are Phil Schmalz and Jim's dad - Jon Mattsson.
Photo by Marilyn Meline |
Ron Donner after being splashed after his first solo in a glider on
10-1-00. Roger Thiemann is congratulating him.
Photo by Marilyn Meline |
Marilyn Meline with her Blanik L-33 Solo.
Photo by Mike Willey |
Lou Martin in the front of the Owl.
Photo by Mike Willey |
Stephen Nesser in the front of the ASK-21.
Photo by Mike Willey |
Mark Cleare gives the thumbs up after his CFIG checkride!
Photo by Steve Adkins |
Tim Mattsson after passing his Private pilot checkride on 10-3-00. John
Wastvedt is in the back seat.
Photo by Tom Rent |
Mike Willey in the MSC Junior.
Photo by Tom Rent |
MSC ASK-21 on final
Photo by Tom Rent |
Steve Metz in his DG-101.
Photo by Tom Rent |
At an Ace Camp in 2000, Thomas Hagens from Holland gets a ride in the
Owl from Mark Cleare |