This Year's

Soar Minnesota

Soaring Club

Accomplishments and Fun Flights 
of Minnesota Soaring Pilots

This page is for announcing the accomplishments and fun flights of local soaring pilots.  Items listed here include: first solos, new ratings, badge flights, record flights, just-for-fun long flights, etc.  It's just fun to see how many great flights are done from Minnesota.

I'm sure that I am missing many accomplishments in the list below. 

Click on the photos below to view larger versions.

Accomplishments - 1998
Date Pilot Glider Description Write-up
Nov. 5, '98 Paul Martz ASK-21 Private Pilot-Glider certificate
Oct. 21, '98 Jim Hard Schweizer 1-26 Randolph, MN to Hampton, IA, 125 miles in 5 hours
Oct. 1, '98 Kathleen Winters Schweizer 1-26 Stanton to Prairie Du Chen, WI, 138 miles
Oct. 1, '98 Jim Hard Schweizer 1-26 Randolph, MN to Manchester, IA, 160 miles
Sept. 27, '98 Kathleen Winters Schweizer 1-26 Delbert Flight from Benson to Stanton delbert_diehard.txt
Sept. 27, '98 Steve Metz DG-101G Stanton-Faribault-Owatonna-Dodge Center-Stanton, 88 statute miles (141 km)
Sept. 22, '98 Marilyn Robinson Meline Blanik L-33 Silver Distance, Stanton to Dodge Center, 32.9 miles (53 km)
Sept. 22, '98 Laura Hohenshelt Ka-6 Silver Distance, Stanton to Dodge Center, 32.9 miles (53 km)
Sept. 22, '98 Steve Anderson Ka-8 Silver Distance, Stanton to Dodge Center, 32.9 miles (53 km)
Sept. 19, '98 Tom Rent ASK-21 Private Pilot-Glider certificate
Sept.15, '98 Jim Hard Schweizer 1-26 Stanton to Pocohantas, IA, 167 miles
Aug. 30, '98 Steve Metz DG-101G Delbert Flight from Stanton to Benson
Aug. 30, '98 Paul Remde Schweizer 1-35c Delbert Flight from Stanton to Benson delbert_8-30-98.txt
Aug. 29, '98 Jim Cunningham Passed C.F.I.G.
Aug. 15, '98 Steve Metz DG-101G Stanton-Waseca-Stanton, 74 statute miles (119 km)
Aug. 15, '98 Steve Adkins Ka-7 5 Hour Duration (5.6 hours)
July 31, '98 Steve Metz DG-101G Diamond Goal (triangle), Stanton to Blue Earth to Austin to Stanton, 195 miles (314 km)
July 31, '98 Jim Cunningham Ka-6 Declared Free Distance, Stanton to Faribault to Waseca to Dodge Center to Owatonna to Stanton, 124 miles (199.5 km)
July 30, '98 Steve Adkins Ka-8 Silver Distance, Stanton to Dodge Center, 32.9 miles (53 km) steve's_silver_
July 24, '98 Mark Cleare Ka-8 5 hour duration
July 23, '98 Tom Curran Pilatus B4 Delbert Flight from Benson to Stanton
?????, '98 John Kahler ASK-21 First Solo in Glider
June 16, '98 Timothy Mattsson ASK-21 First Solo
June 7, '98 Kathleen Winters Schweizer 1-26 Stanton to Rochester, MN and return, 80 miles
June 7, '98 Mark Cleare Ka-8 Silver Distance, Stanton to Dodge Center, 32.9 miles (53 km) mark_cleares_silver_
June 7, '98 Roger Urban PW-5 Stanton to Faribault to Owatonna to Dodge Center, 54.5 miles (87.7 km)
June 7, '98 Steve Metz DG-101G 300 km triangle, Stanton to Blue Earth to Austin to Stanton, 195 miles (314 km)
June 7, '98 Jim Cunningham Ka-6 Diamond Goal, Stanton to New Hampton, IA to Stanton, 204 miles (328 km)
May 31, '98 Kathleen Winters Schweizer 1-26 Stanton to Postville, IA, 127 miles
May 26, '98 Jim Hard Schweizer 1-26 Stanton to Goodhue to West Concord to Stanton, 100 km triangle
May 25, '98 Steve Metz DG-101G Faribault-Stanton-Dodge Center-Owatonna-Faribault, 88 statute miles (141 km)
May 6, '98 Paul Remde Schweizer 1-35c Diamond Goal (triangle), Stanton to New Ulm to Albert Lea to Stanton, 203 miles (327 km)
May 5, '98 Jim Hard Schweizer 1-26 Stanton to Elgin, MN to Austin, MN to Stanton, 148 mile triangle
May 4, '98 Mark Cleare Ka-8 Awarded C Badge and Bronze Badge
April 22, '98 Jim Hard Schweizer 1-26 Stanton to Blue Earth to Stanton, 162 mile goal and return
April 17, '98 Jim Hard Schweizer 1-26 Stanton to Clintonville, WI, 211 mile flight to a goal

web page by:
Paul E. Remde

Last Update:
March 09, 2007

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