Mountain High Home | EDS O2D1 | EDS O2D2 | Constant Flow | Cannulas & Face Masks | Cylinders | Regulators | Transfillers
The XCP, (Cross Country Pilot) is standard issue on all constant-flow systems using the MH3 or MH4 Flowmeter.
The exception is the XCR, (Cross Country Racer) which is predominantly used with Hang gliders and Para Gliders and has the green or blue 6mm tube tip.
Note: The conserving-type cannula should NEVER be used with any EDS system.
Cannula for EDS Systems - Standard Tip VersionEDS Replacement Cannula. This item is included w..
Cannula for EDS Systems - Flare Tip VersionEDS Replacement Cannula. This item is included with..
Aviators Standard CannulaCalibrated for use with the MH4 flowmeter or any other device calibrated to..
Oxymizer Cannula - XCP versionThe Oxymizer's unique oxygen-conserving reservoir design accumulates (..
XCP Pendant-Style Oxymizer Cannula for use with our MH-3 flowmeters.Also available with the more pop..
Oxymizer Cannula - XCR versionReplacement conserving cannula for XCR systems only.Use of this Cannul..