Nano4 RAM Mount with Adhesive Base
Great mounting cradle for Nano4 - simple, light-weight, elegant. The Nano4 snaps in easily and is easy to remove, but the cradle holds the Nano4 very securely. With 1" RAM ball on the back of the cradle which can be rotated up and down. A screw and nylon lock-nut precisely set the friction between the ball and cradle. It stays where you set it.
The 2.5" diameter flexible base is supplied with a double-sided adhesive pad that works well on most any clean, smooth surface. Like all RAM arm assemblies, the parts are extremely rugged and reliable. Perfect for mounting to a glider instrument panel or cockpit sidewall.
- LXNAV-Nano4-Cradle with 1" ball
- RAP-B-201-1U Light-weight Arm, 2.0 inches from center of ball to center of ball
- RAP-B-378U Flexible Adhesive Base with 2.5" diameter and double-sided adhesive pad
Nano4 not included
- Cradle Height: 118 mm (4.6 inches)
- Cradle Width: 78 mm (3.1 inches)
- Depth of cradle body: 23 mm (0.91 inches)
- Minimum Depth with arm folded back: 62 mm (2.4 inches)
- Maximum Depth with arm straight-out: 153 mm (6.0 inches)
Weight: 94 g (3.3 ounces)
- Brand: LXNAV
- Product Code: LXNAV-Nano4-Mount-AdhesiveBase
- Availability: In Stock
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