303 LCD Navigation Display
Cambridge Aero Instruments |

The 303 Navigational Display is the perfect companion to the 302 DDV or the 302A Cambridge Flight Recorder. It is a navigational display with task editing and declaration, wind speed and direction (302 only) and final glide functionality (302 only). The ability to select from a list of pilots makes it perfect for gliders with multiple pilots. It's simple user-interface makes it ideal for new cross-country soaring pilots and pilots who don't fly as often as they'd like.
- Differential final glide simply tells you how much (in feet or meters) you are above or below final glide for your destination (302 only - final glide data not available when connected to a 302A)
- Task entry and Declaration
- Simple arrow pointer steers you to your destination
- Simple user-interface with up, down, left, right, Go and On buttons.
- Active waypoint distance, bearing, and track are shown on the Home screen
- Several wind speed and direction numbers are available (302 only - wind data is not available when connected to a 302A)
- Receives MacCready setting and wind data from the 302.
- Warnings from the 302 are displayed in clear text form: "Airbrakes Open", "Extend Landing Gear", and "Airspeed Too Low"
- Waypoints can be selected from lists sorted by distance from current position, alphabetically, or ID#
- Select from existing pilot names, or edit pilot name and preferences (goal height, etc.) - great for gliders with multiple pilots
- Edit Water Ballast % and view wing loading
- Edit Polar - great for gliders with multiple winglet options
303 Dimensions
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