


We designed Condor to give pilots the complete experience of soaring on their PC. The key to this experience is the feeling of immersion in the environment. Precise aerodynamics and weather physics drive the ongoing development. The Condor simulator with state of the art graphics, real time control feedback, and cockpit sounds immerses you, the pilot, in the experience and is the closest you can come to flying a glider without ever leaving the ground.

What's New

What’s new in Condor 3


  • Completely new Slovenia 3 landscape covering all of Slovenia, parts of Italy, Croatia, Hungary, and a large part of Austria.
  • 40 accurately modelled airports
  • Airports can have sloping runways
  • Grass runways have realistic 3d Grass
  • Thousands of 3d buildings from Open Streetmap data
  • Hand made landmark buildings and objects
  • Electrical pylons and wires
  • Cable cars
  • Real airspace is supported by use of open source .air files.

Weather model:

  • Three weather zones on top of the base weather to give changing conditions through the day
  • Zones each have their own weather settings, wind speed and direction
  • Movement of each zone speed and direction is adjustable
  • Convergence lines
  • Thermal and inter-thermal turbulence improved
  • Inter-thermal sink added
  • Mountain thermals rewritten for more realism
  • Cloud streeting improved
  • New setting for thermal overdevelopment added. At higher values this generates Cumulonimbus clouds with rain and thunder
  • Cloud models are completely new


  • Multi-seat - Connect with a friend over the internet or LAN and share a flight together in a 2-seater.
  • Each pilot can have control of the glider. Handover is controlled by one pilot.
  • There is cockpit audio so the two pilots can talk to each other
  • AAT is now supported in flight planner and flight computer

In flight:

  • In single player, you can now fly from the rear seat of 2-seaters.
  • Radio with 20 frequencies to talk to other pilots.
  • Planes accumulate bugs on the wings.
  • Raindrops and tracks on canopy when flying in rain.


  • FLARM collision detection and display.
  • Air Avionics Air control display on some planes.
  • LXNAV LX9070 flight computer
  • LXNAV S10 vario
  • Airspace warnings on flight computer

Current Planes:

  • Ambient occlusion added for more realistic cockpits
  • Planes remodeled where needed.
  • Rear cockpits and instruments added to 2-seaters for dual flying
  • Bugwipers added to planes where possible
  • Plane licenses bought for Condor 2 will be valid for Condor 3

New Planes:

  • 2 new planes available to purchase at launch:
    Minilak FES 13.5m
    ◦ Duo Discus FES
  • Regular new plane releases for Condor 3 will be resumed

XC Version:

  • Bugwipers: Competition planes have bugwipers to clear accumulated bugs from the wings and increase performance
  • Hawk Vario: The Total Energy compensated vario in Condor measures static and dynamic pressure to compute the total energy. When the glider flies through a turbulent airmass, wind gusts are interpreted as energy gains and the TEC vario becomes more nervous and often shows lift where there is none. The Hawk vario algorithm in Condor XC combines inputs from the weather and physics engine to eliminate the unwanted effects of horizontal wind gusts and gives a fast and accurate measure of climb rate. This gives more precise information on when to stop for circling and helps to center thermals more efficiently.
  • Live Wind: This shows the actual wind direction the glider is flying through. When close to a thermal this helps with indicating when to turn, and in which direction for faster centering.
  • Flarm targets: These are displayed on the Condor flight computer or the LX9000 so you can see where other pilots are circling and their climb rate.

Upgrades from Condor2 to Condor3
All users who purchased Condor2 between September 1, 2023, and October 29, 2024 can get a free upgrade to Condor3-Std.  They can then optionally upgrade to Condor3-XC for $40.  Condor2 purchases after October 29, 2024 don't qualify for the free upgrade.

Customers who purchased Condor2 before September 1, 2023 don't get any discount on Condor3.  Many hundreds of hours of work went into the development of Condor3.  Condor3 offers many new cool and useful features.  Customers who feel the features are worth the cost can purchase Condor3.

Condor Kits

  • Condor3-Std - Software-License: $80
    Software license for Condor3-Std.  This if this version as the "Club" or "Training" version - perfect for soaring flight training.  It doesn't have some of the cool features of Condor3-XC, but those features (HAWK, LX9070, bug wipers) aren't necessary when doing flight instruction - and may even be a slight distraction.  You can upgrade your existing Condor3-Std license to Condor3-XC at any time for $40. I suspect that most customers will pay the extra $30 to get the XC version.

  • Condor3-XC - Software-License: $110 - Popular
    Just like Condor3-Std, but with the additional features below.  This is the most popular version.  You'd be at a disadvantage in a sailplane race without the features listed below.  
    • LXNAV HAWK Vario - The best vario ever!
    • Live Wind
    • FLARM targets on flight computer
    • Bug Wipers

    Condor3 Kits - Std Version

    • Condor3-Std - Basic-Kit: $130
      Condor3-Std software license, joystick, and USB flash drive

    • Condor3-Std - Mid-Kit: $315
      Condor3-Std software license, joystick, rudder pedals, Condor-Keypad, and USB flash drive

    • Condor3-Std - Ultimate-Kit: $435 - Popular
      Condor3-Std software license, joystick, joystick mount, rudder pedals, Condor-Keypad, Condor Control Unit, and USB flash drive

    Condor3 Kits - XC Version

    • Condor3-XC - Basic-Kit: $160
      Condor3-XC software license, joystick, and USB flash drive

    • Condor3-XC - Mid-Kit: $345
      Condor3-XC software license, joystick, rudder pedals, Condor-Keypad, and USB flash drive

    • Condor3-XC - Ultimate-Kit: $465 - Popular
      Condor3-XC software license, joystick, joystick mount, rudder pedals, Condor-Keypad, Condor Control Unit, and USB flash drive

    Quantity Discounts

    • 10% OFF any order of any 10 (or more) Condor2/3 Add-On Sailplanes - Use coupon code Condor-10 at check-out

    Q & A

    • Question: Can all the landscapes/sceneries from Condor2 be used in Condor3?
      Condor 2 landscapes can run on Condor 3, after conversion by Condor Updater from the website.
    • Question: Can users of different versions of Condor (Condor, Condor2, and Condor 3) all race against one another online?
      Answer: No.  You can only race against those using the version of Condor that you are using.  Condor3 users can race only other Condor3 users.
    • Question: Can I have Condor, Condor2, and Condor3 all installed on my PC at the same time?
      Answer: Yes.
    • Can I use sailplanes from Condor (Condor1) Plane Packs in Condor2 or Condor3?
      Answer: No.
    • Question: Can I use sailplanes from Condor2 in Condor3?
      Answer: Yes.  Any licenses purchased for Add-On Sailplanes for use in Condor2 can be used in Condor3.  
    • Question: Can I use new sailplanes released for Condor3 in Condor2?
      Answer: No.  Condor3 sailplanes have been enhanced with more detail and new features that were not in Condor2.  Different sailplane details/files are installed by Condor3.  All add-on sailplanes from Condor2 have been re-worked for use in Condor3.  

    Refine Search



    Schempp-Hirth Arcus Add-On Sailplane for Condor2 & Condor3The Schempp-Hirth Arcus..




    ASG 29 Es 18m Add-On Sailplane for Condor2 & Condor3Class: 18m single-seater with..




    ASG 32 Mi Add-On Sailplane for Condor3Class: 20m two-seater self-launcherThe Schleicher AS..




    ASK 13 Add-On Sailplane for Condor3The ASK 13 is a two-seat, tandem glider designed for trainin..




    ASK 21 Add-On Sailplane for Condor2 & Condor3The Alexander Schleicher ASK 21 is a..


    Condor-Astir CS

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    Binder EB29R 28m Open-Class Add-On Sailplane for Condor2 &Condor3Class: 28m Open-Class, Sin..




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    DG-808C 15m and 18m Self-Launching Add-On Sailplane for Condor2 & Condor3&nb..




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    Jonker JS1C 18m and 21m Add-On Sailplane for Condor2 & Condor3 The 18 h..




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    LS4a neo Add-On Sailplane for Condor2 & Condor3 Class: Standard/ClubThe..




    LS8 neo Add-On Sailplane for Condor2 & Condor3 Single-seat standard cla..


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    SG38 Add-On Sailplane for Condor2 & Condor3The Schulgleiter is a training glider ..




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    Ventus 3, 15m and 18m Add-On Sailplane for Condor2 & Condor3 The Schemp..


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    Condor3-Std - Mid-Kit

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    Condor3-Std - Mid KitThis is a special package price including the items listed below.Condor3-Std-So..


    Condor3-Std - Software-License

    Condor3-Std - Software-License

    Condor3 Soaring Simulator - Standard Version - PC Software - License KeyDesigned to recreate the ult..


    Condor3-Std - Ultimate-Kit

    Condor3-Std - Ultimate-Kit

    Condor3-Std - Ultimate KitThis is the ultimate package price including the items listed below.Condor..




    Upgrade from Condor3-Standard to Condor3-XC Version This upgrade is for customers that already ..




    Condor3 USB Flash DriveIf you prefer to buy a Condor3 USB flash drive (rather than the free download..


    Condor3-XC - Basic-Kit

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    Condor3-XC - Basic KitThis is a special package price including the items listed below.Condor3-XC - ..


    Condor3-XC - Mid-Kit

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    Condor3-XC - Mid KitThis is a special package price including the items listed below.Condor3-XC Soft..


    Condor3-XC - Software-License

    Condor3-XC - Software-License

    Condor3 Soaring Simulator - XC Version - PC Software - License KeyDesigned to recreate the ultimate ..


    Condor3-XC - Ultimate-Kit

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    Condor3-XC - Ultimate KitThis is the ultimate package price including the items listed below.Condor3..




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    Showing 1 to 45 of 45 (1 Pages)