- Instructional

A Glider Pilot Bold...

A Glider Pilot Bold...

A Glider Pilot BoldAuthor: Wally KahnCopyright: 1998, 3rd Edition188 PagesFree download link below -..


A Guide to Self-Launching Sailplane Operation

A Guide to Self-Launching Sailplane Operation

A Guide to Self-Launching Sailplane OperationAuthor:  Eric GreenwellPublished: 2014, 4th Editio..


Advanced Soaring Made Easy

Advanced Soaring Made Easy

Advanced Soaring Made Easy - 4.1th EditionAuthor:  Bernard EckeyHard Cover, 187 illustrati..

$79.95 $95.00

Aviation Instructor's Handbook

Aviation Instructor's Handbook

Aviation Instructor's HandbookAuthor:  Federal Aviation Administration (F.A.A.)Published in 200..


Aviation Weather

Aviation Weather

Aviation WeatherAuthor:  Federal Aviation Administration (F.A.A.) and National Oceanic and Atmo..


Beyond gliding distance

Beyond gliding distance

Beyond gliding distance - stepping out of your comfort zoneAuthor:  Flavio FormosaEnglish Langu..


Breaking The Apron Strings - Soaring Cross Country

Breaking The Apron Strings - Soaring Cross Country

Breaking The Apron Strings - Soaring Cross CountryAuthor:  Phil PetmeckyFrom Bob Wander's "Glid..


Commercial Pilot Glider Checkride ...Made Easy!

Commercial Pilot Glider Checkride ...Made Easy!

Commercial Pilot Glider Checkride ...Made Easy!A User-Friendly Guide to Your FAA Commercial Pil..


Cross-Country Manual - For Glider Pilots

Cross-Country Manual - For Glider Pilots

Cross-Country Manual - For Glider PilotsAuthor:  Dean CarswellFrom Bob Wander's "Gliding Mentor..


Cross-Country Soaring - FREE

Cross-Country Soaring - FREE

Cross-Country Soaring - Free DownloadAuthor:  Helmut ReichmannCopyright: 1978Original Edition?1..


Dancing with the Wind

Dancing with the Wind

Dancing with the WindAuthor:  Jean-Marie ClémentPaperback, 304 pages, full color, 211 images an..


Desperate to Fly

Desperate to Fly

Desperate to Flyby Kai GertsenPaperback, 201 pages, 64 black & white images and many drawings, C..

$19.95 $23.00

End of the Line

End of the Line

End of the Line - Glider Pilot's Aerotow ManualAuthor:  Murray ShainFrom Bob Wander's "Gliding ..


Everybody's First Gliding Book!

Everybody's First Gliding Book!

Everybody's First Gliding Book!45 Bite-Size Articles To Help You Start GlidingFrom the Gliding ..


FAR/AIM 2012

FAR/AIM 2012

FAR/AIM 2012Federal Aviation Regulations/Aeronautical Information ManualAuthor:  Federal Aviati..


Flight Instructor Glider Checkride ...Made Easy!

Flight Instructor Glider Checkride ...Made Easy!

Flight Instructor Glider Checkride ...Made Easy!A User-Friendly Guide To Your FAA Glider Flight..


Flight Instructor Practical Test Standards for Glider

Flight Instructor Practical Test Standards for Glider

Flight Instructor Practical Test Standards for GliderAuthor:  FAA (Federal Aviation Administrat..


Flight Training Manual For Gliders

Flight Training Manual For Gliders

Flight Training Manual For GlidersAuthor:  Russell HoltzPaperback, Spiral bound, Copyright 2005..


Glider BFR And Spring Checkout ...Made Easy!

Glider BFR And Spring Checkout ...Made Easy!

Glider BFR And Spring Checkout ...Made Easy!A Self-Study Guide To Help You Get the Most Out Of ..


Glider Flying Handbook

Glider Flying Handbook

Glider Flying Handbook - NEW 2024 EditionAuthor: U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation..


Glider Flying Handbook-old-2013

Glider Flying Handbook-old-2013

Glider Flying Handbook - 2013Author: U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administrat..

$10.00 $10.00

Glider Pilot's Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge

Glider Pilot's Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge

Glider Pilot's Handbook of Aeronautical KnowledgeAuthor:  Russell HoltzPaperback, Spiral bound,..


Glider Polars and Speed-To-Fly ...Made Easy!

Glider Polars and Speed-To-Fly ...Made Easy!

Glider Polars and Speed-To-Fly ...Made Easy!A User-Friendly Guide to Glider Performance Polar A..


Gliding and Sail-Planing

Gliding and Sail-Planing

Gliding and Sail-Planing - A Beginner's HandbookAuthors:  Fritz Stamer & Alexander Lippisch..


Gliding: From Passenger to Pilot

Gliding: From Passenger to Pilot

Gliding: From Passenger to PilotAuthor:  Steven LonglandBook, Paperback, 184 pages, 154 bl..

$19.95 $25.95

Gliding: Theory of Flight - The British Gliding Association Manual

Gliding: Theory of Flight - The British Gliding Association Manual

Gliding: Theory of Flight - The British Gliding Association ManualAuthor:  Steven LonglandThis ..


Kronfeld On Gliding and Soaring

Kronfeld On Gliding and Soaring

Kronfeld On Gliding and SoaringAuthor:  Robert KronfeldTranslated by J. ManchotPreface by Colon..


Landing Out - The Final Four Minutes

Landing Out - The Final Four Minutes

Landing Out - The Final Four MinutesAuthors:  Don Ingraham and Bob WanderFrom Bob Wander's "Gli..


Learning to Fly Gliders - A Flight Training Handbook and Syllabus

Learning to Fly Gliders - A Flight Training Handbook and Syllabus

Learning to Fly Gliders - A Flight Training Handbook and SyllabusAuthor:  Bob WanderPaperback, ..


Performance Analysis of the Horten IV Flying Wing

Performance Analysis of the Horten IV Flying Wing

Performance Analysis of the Horten IV Flying WingAuthor:  Dezso GyorgyfalvyPresented at the&nbs..


Power Pilot's Guide To Soaring

Power Pilot's Guide To Soaring

Power Pilot's Guide To SoaringAuthor:  Murray ShainFrom Bob Wander's "Gliding Mentor" seriesPap..


Practical Wave Flying

Practical Wave Flying

Practical Wave FlyingAuthor:  Mark PalmerFrom Bob Wander's "Gliding Mentor" seriesPaperback, 80..


Private Pilot Glider Checkride ...Made Easy!

Private Pilot Glider Checkride ...Made Easy!

Private Pilot Glider Checkride ...Made Easy!A User-Friendly Guide To Your FAA Private Pilot Gli..


Private Pilot Practical Test Standards for Glider

Private Pilot Practical Test Standards for Glider

Private Pilot Practical Test Standards for GliderAuthor:  FAA (Federal Aviation Administration)..


Riding On Air: Ridge, Wave, & Convergence Lift

Riding On Air: Ridge, Wave, & Convergence Lift

Riding On Air: Ridge, Wave, & Convergence LiftAuthor:  Rolf Hertenstein, Ph.D., Meteorology..


Safer Soaring ...Made Easy!

Safer Soaring ...Made Easy!

Safer Soaring ...Made Easy!Author:  Bob WanderFrom Bob Wander's "Gliding ...Made Easy..


Sailplane Design

Sailplane Design

Sailplane Design - 2nd EditionA Guide for Students and Designers, From Drafting to First FlightLangu..


Sailplanes By Schweizer - Sample

Sailplanes By Schweizer - Sample

Sailplanes By Schweizer - SAMPLEAuthors: Paul A. Schweizer & Martin SimonsCopyright: 199820 Page..


Silent Flight

Silent Flight

Silent FlightAuthor: Ann C. Edmunds (Welch)Copyright: 1939102 PagesFree download link below - Or buy..


Sky Full of Heat

Sky Full of Heat

Sky Full of HeatAuthor: Sebastian KawaTranslated by Nicholas RattenburyIllustrated by Zbigniew ..


Slingsby Sailplanes

Slingsby Sailplanes

Slingsby SailplanesAuthor:  Martin SimonsCopyright: 1996260 PagesFree download link below - Or ..


Soaring Flight Manual

Soaring Flight Manual

Soaring Flight Manual - private/commercial - Usedby Jeppesen Sanderson and the Soaring Soc..


Stick and Rudder

Stick and Rudder

Stick and Rudder - An Explanation of the Art of FlyingAuthor: Wolfgang LangewiescheHardcover, many b..

$19.95 $23.00

The Art of Thermaling ...Made Easy!

The Art of Thermaling ...Made Easy!

The Art of Thermaling ...Made Easy!A User-Friendly Guide to Finding and Using Thermals and Ther..


The Glider (L'Aliante)

The Glider (L'Aliante)

The Glider (L'Aliante)Author:  Stelio Frati198 pagesPublished in 1946 in Italian, Translated to..


The Joy of Soaring

The Joy of Soaring

The Joy of Soaring - A Training ManualAuthor:  Carle ConwayThis book is no longer in print.&nbs..




ThermalsAuthor:  Rolf Hertenstein, Ph.D., Meteorology, Triple Diamond Glider PilotFrom Bob Wand..


Towpilot Manual

Towpilot Manual

Towpilot ManualAuthor:  Burt ComptonFrom Bob Wander's "Gliding Mentor" seriesPaperback, 44 page..


Transition To Single Seat Gliders ...Made Easy!

Transition To Single Seat Gliders ...Made Easy!

Transition To Single Seat Gliders ...Made Easy!A Comprehensive Guide To Flying Single Seat Glid..


Showing 1 to 49 of 49 (1 Pages)