Soar Minnesota

Minnesota Soaring Club

The Sancho Panza Award

trophy is to be awarded annually to the glider crew who makes the greatest effort or most significant sacrifices to perform retrieve services for glider pilots. The purpose therefore is to recognize the unsung heroes of cross-country flights, the retrieve crews, who are essential for successful cross-country glider flights. Generally, the award is made for some unusual effort such as an extremely long overnight retrieve, or a muddy field situation requiring great effort, or a number of retrieves for an individual pilot or for different pilots, and other situations requiring significant effort.

The statue of Sancho Panza was donated by Phil Schacht and
mounted on a trophy base by Jim Hard in about 1993. 

The trophy is awarded annually to a soaring pilot or crew person from Minnesota.

Click on the image to view a larger version.

Sancho Panza Winners
Year Name
1992 Don Patterson
1995 Norb Reinardy
1996 Jim Cunningham
1997 Kathy Ingraham
1999 Mark Cleare
2000 Roger Payne
2002 Walter Johnson
2005 Jim Cunningham

web page by:
Paul E. Remde

Last Update:
March 09, 2007

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